Try this recipe today! I can not think of one bad thing to say about how this dessert turned out. As a child, we never had rhubarb anything and I am delighted that I have now discovered the sweet while kind of tangy vegetable. I still have some rhubarb left so this cake might be on repeat this week or I might just cook down the remaining stalks and leftover strawberries to make a freezer jam to have for a later date.
Dinner this last week was pretty easy and didn't necessarily follow the plan I laid out in my last post. We didn't have the hot dogs, the sausage and peppers, nor the yummy taco salad which would seem suspiciously like a fail but we did eat at home so I'll count that as a win. Ty and I enjoyed an easy dinner of Eggs and Soy Sauce over Rice made even easier by the frozen sticky rice I got at Aldi. Frozen rice has recently become a favorite convenience food for us. Not only because its delicious and economical but it is SO quick to make after a long work day.
I also made a chicken mushroom ravioli one pan dish based on this recipe along with roasted green beans. I highly recommend the original recipe especially in the Fall and Winter months but this rendition was satisfying too. Grilled chicken thighs, baked potatoes, and roasted asparagus which I didn't take a picture of was our Wednesday dinner rather than the sausage and peppers I had planned. We also had a great Grilled Cheese with salami and chopped chicken to round out our week. There weren't any superstar meals but all of them were quick, simple, and tasty. My cupboard and freezer are more empty than usual and my menu for this week will reflect the lack of ingredients available. There is plenty left for us to eat well until next Friday though since grocery shopping is not on my agenda for this week. I will be busier than busy in my free time working on my Communications class if I want to stay on my educational tract before time runs out in this semester.
Spring is almost here...Sunshine and Flowers ⚘💮

Sausage and Peppers, Rice, Roasted Green Beans

Corned Beef, Skillet Potatoes (from leftover baked potatoes)

Nachos, Simple Green Salad (basically chopped lettuce)

Korean Beef/Chicken, Sticky Rice, Green Veg

Basic + Awesome Creamy Potato Soup, Simple Green Salad
Thanks for stopping by to take a look...have a great week 😊
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