Menu Plan Monday 7/10/17

Yes, yes, yes, I missed posting our menu last week completely.  My computer died on me and writing a post at work really isn't the best way to go when I should be...well, working.  I let my kids talk me in to a somewhat smaller laptop which I am, at this moment, deciding whether I like or not.  The keypad is right up my alley though because the keys are slightly elevated and make a nice retro tapping noise which is totally appealing to me right now.  The last menu I posted stretched in to the next week since July 4th fell into my no computer time. Even so, we managed to eat well and used up quite a few ingredients that have been languishing in my pantry.

Baked Nectarine Chicken Salad didn't necessarily excite me, but Ty thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.  I had a portion for dinner the night that I made it, but he annihilated the rest over the next two days.  

Chopped Salad Pizza was fantastic!!  We prepped all of the ingredients on Sunday and stored them in small glass jars.  Having all of the pieces and parts ready to go made this an easy weeknight option.

I got home really late and made myself a waffle ham and cheese sandwich.  No complaints from me.

Oven Baked Tacos are a family favorite.  Top with whatever makes you happy :)

Making Roasted Chicken at home is just as frugal as Rotisserie when you find a whole bird marked down to $2.  Thank goodness we had a rainy day to make the heat from the oven bearable.

Grilled Sirloin Steak and Brined Shrimp just happened to end up on the same plate.  ðŸ˜‰ The pineapple was grilled also after using a little of its juice and brown sugar to make a yummy glaze.

My favorite, Pretzel Berry Dessert, did not turn out this time.  I used True Whip instead of Cool Whip and added the supposed right amount (for once) of each ingredient.  When Jessica says make sure the whip covers all the way to edges....make sure your whip covers to the edges.  Otherwise you waste a lot of ingredients and get a serious soggy crust.

Mushroom, Potato Hash is a good catch all for leftover bits of produce.  I had two cooked potatoes, a few mushrooms, chopped onions, and mini sweet peppers that served dual purposes.  I cleaned out the frig and made a hearty dish.  An over easy egg completed the meal.


Pasta Trenette, Spinach Salad

My food preparation inspiration is at an almost all time low.  The heat around here is just...oppressive. Even turning on the burner of my stove heats the house to an unbearable level.  Honestly, the easy casserole I'm planning as an option this week might very well get nixed for a cold sandwich, chips, and hummus.

Have a great week!

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