Let's see, did I cook anything last week? Why yes, yes I did. Nothing that would win any awards but having stuff chopped/semi ready, makes coming home from work after a long day {we were exceptionally busy} something to look forward to. Now that would be great if it actually happened on a consistent basis, but I have the boy here now and can I just say that he is a junk food junkie for sure! He's my bad influence when it comes to eating out or eating fast food. My butt is going to beat the living daylights out of him right before he leaves for college in January {give him something to remember me by}. Now with all that being said, last week wasn't too bad on the butt enlarging front. I packed lunches for work and ate at home during the week so I'm patting myself on the back and bowing to the imaginary audience in my living room.
While I was out doing some Christmas shopping this past weekend, I came across an extraordinary brand of packaged cookies {The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree in the junk food department :p} I was just minding my own business and the boy's instructions to come home with chocolate led me down the path to these.
Uniquely crispy, deeply delicious is an oh so accurate description.
Yum, yum, yum. These give any homemade variety a run for their money...what a shame for my butt that I found them.{heehee} I guess I'll have to really watch every other morsel that goes in my mouth over the next few weeks. Yeh, easy as pie {cherry please} during this time of year.
Here's our menu for the week.
SUNDAY-Lasagna Soup, Green Salad
MONDAY-Roasted Butternut and Acorn Squash with Bacon and Parmesan Cheese, Asparagus
TUESDAY-Spicy Sausage Pasta, Green Peas, Garlic Bread
THURSDAY-Grilled Chicken Breast, Roasted Potatoes/Rice, Okra, Leftover Bread
Have a fantastic week.....and by the way...Happy Monday!
This post is linked to orgjunkie.com
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