Bugs and Stuff

I'm feeling so "beige" today....I'm also feeling sick...yes, again, so sad.  I can't figure for the life of me why I can't seem to weave and bob away from the viruses I keep catching. Typically, because I work in a hospital, I seem to be shielded from getting all of these things, but this year I can't seem not to pick up everything and as a result I'm down in the dumps.  Just sick, of being sick.  It's like a downward spiral because in order to feel better I have to eat better, get more rest, and pamper myself some, but...because I don't feel good I don't want to shop, or cook, or pamper.  The only thing I'm not having any trouble with is rest since I'm falling asleep sitting still and upright.  Waaaah...

This stuff has got to go....I'm going on a family trip this weekend and don't have any time for that sick business.  Here's the steps I'm taking.

  1. Drinking lots and lots of fluid (had to get up twice throughout the night)
  2. Taking 1000 mg Ester C (I know the likelihood of actually metabolizing all of this is slim)
  3. Getting Mucinex to help decrease the tightness in my chest.
  4. Getting shower reliever effervescent tablets to make me feel less stuffy.
  5. Heading to the grocery store for something healthier (has to be better than fast food).  I'll probably purchase something super simple...rotisserie chicken like, and some other semi-homemade items..
  6. Put myself in my bed at 0930 pm instead of my usual 1030.
  7. Pray.
My face has been seriously broken out since the stomach bug hit and when I was researching strengthening your immune system today I found that my lymph system is probably to blame.  The only way to speed up your body's clearing of lymph fluid is to move, deep breathe, well....basically exercise. Because I truly don't feel up to all of that, I'm going to diffuse some essential grapefruit oil and do deep breathing exercises to stimulate the process.

Rotisserie Chicken over Green Salad
Whatever I find that's easy and quick...
I'll be the only one in town for the next few days, so no true cooking for me.
