Happy Birthday Nanner!
Tanner and Jesse 2015 Birthday Fun
This is my oldest son's birthday week and he is celebrating and sharing the day with our nation's holiday, Memorial Day. We typically spend the day eating lots of grilled picnic food, swimming, sunning, and funning (games, trampolines, painting and did I mention eating and enjoying an adult beverage?)
However, the true meaning of Memorial Day is remembering those that have served and lost their lives in defense of our country. There are only two words that describe the meaning of Memorial Day..
I am sending my second boy, Ty, off to camp for the entire summer on Thursday this week. He was blessed to obtain a position as youth counselor at Warren Willis United Methodist Camp after years of dreaming of doing just that. He has been spending a week there since he was ten years old and it is fantastic to see him realize a childhood dream. He is so excited (Mom is too, but I'm going to miss my little brat)!
Since it is Tanner's birthday week though, most of the meals are going to focus on what he likes.....Ty has coerced me in to cooking for him each week and dropping off food at camp so he will just have to make do for his last week at home. I'll be cooking up some party foods too for those sun filled days this weekend.
I'm making this queso dip for our poolside celebration and adding ground meat to the mix for a homemade version of the famous velveeta dip. This is so much better. Craveable!
A Taco Ring was also requested. I really have no recipe for this I just kind of wing it depending on the cheese that I have in the frig and how many crescent rolls I have. I will say that it typically all gets eaten!

A chocolate trifle has been requested by Tanner as his birthday cake....he truly loves this bowl of "stuff", and it's his birthday right? Super simple non recipe. Devil's Food cake cooked and cooled, chocolate pudding (I usually make chocolate and vanilla mixed), cool whip, and heath bits or crushed bars. Layer the ingredients in a clear glass bowl, finishing with cool whip and garnished with small amounts of the cake and heath bars.
To Do: Make everything in the morning.
(The birthday boy's favorite)
Garlic Bread
To Do: Run to the store for a rotisserie chicken, turkey or chicken, cheese, and other bogo deals. Kiss my boy for his birthday xoxo. Make macaroni salad, turkey burgers, and sandwich rolls. Heck, I might even do the weekend laundry but I know definitely I'll be reading the House of Night series.
Grilled Italian Turkey Burgers
Italian Sandwich Rolls
Mom's Macaroni Salad
To Do: Put pork in the frig.
Ultimate Grilled Pork Chops
Green Veggie
To Do: Wrap potatoes for the crock pot or grate cheese (I hate to grate cheese!) for macaroni and cheese. Or nothing at all since Ty leaves for camp tomorrow.
Loaded Baked Potatoes
Green Salad
Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Sauteed Okra
Green Salad
To Do: Nothing! Tomorrow is Friday but...if I don't cook on Thursday I will carry forward what I didn't make then.
Have a great week!
This post is linked to orgjunkie.com
happy bday Tanner and my other family!!