So my boy had a blast at the State Tennis Tournament....and he didn't win anything :( Neither did any of his team mates, but I have to say they all lost with grace and fantastic sportsmanship. To me, this fact just reinforced one of the valuable lessons we all have to learn in life, and that is..sometimes you don't win. Sad but true. I believe their coach, William Cherry, has so much to do with their attitudes and I thank him with my entire heart for being an adviser and friend to my son for the past four years.
Coach Cherry and Ty
When we returned from out of town, I did make some progress on the meal plan that I made but I didn't cook everything on my list last week. Work schedules and late nights for my sons dictated that. We spent a fair amount on hotel and restaurant costs so this week I've put myself on financial restriction for the next few weeks. I'm taking the reins now so that I don't fall in a financial pit that I can't crawl out of. This means no takeout or restaurants until after the next payday and also a frugal grocery store shop this week. My local grocer has a coupon for gas so I'm killing two birds with one stone in the savings department. Every meal will be prepared at home {it helps that I'm working this weekend} and I'm starting my menu on Friday {this past one}.
The Ham and Gruyere Quiche was our recipe of the week. It is so simple to make and easy to substitute or change up that I'll be using this during the summer for a light meal. I didn't buy gruyere cheese or leeks, adding a sharp cheddar blend and green onions instead, but the end result was very tasty.

{Carried forward but a different recipe than the one that I posted last week}
Roasted Veggies
{I'm obsessed with roasted veggies right now}
To Do: Put taco meat in the frig, pork loin in frig, get a birthday card
{Freezer Meal}
Headed to a Birthday Party, So I'm making these for munchies.
To Do: Make potato salad, watch the 2 hour season finale of The Good Witch and...I can't wait for the season premiere of When Calls the Heart next week. I know I'm a dork but truly these are some of my favorite shows.
{I'm going to brine the roast with this method}
Potato Salad
Green Salad
To Do: Put ground beef in frig for defrost
Mixed Veggies or Something Green
To Do: Put Sausage in the Frig if don't have enough leftovers.
or leftovers, depending on what's left.
To Do: Nothing, off tomorrow have two doctor appointments in the morning so no sleeping in until Saturday.
{repeat from last week}
If I don't make sausage skillet, I'll cook the links on the side for my meat lovin' boys.
Green Salad or Green Beans
Garlic Bread
To Do: ??? I'm not sure what I'll be making the rest of the week yet so I'll just post some links for interesting recipes that I haven't gotten around to making.
There are so many recipes that I've saved over the last few months that I want to make but since I'm eating mostly alone I sometimes don't feel that the dish duty is worth the effort. My oldest son, Tan, has started to work regular hours so I have high hopes my creations will be well tested. Regardless I would rather plan and not eat than to have no idea what I'm doing at 5 pm.
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