Shootin' for the stars.....

Yep, I wrote a beautiful menu and had numerous amounts of plans to be productive with over this past weekend.  Nope, didn't do a thing.......but I did have fun.  So much fun that I took a good long nap on Sunday morning/afternoon on my couch.  Therefore no cooking nor any cleaning was achieved. Useless information fact here, but in the not so recent past I wasn't able to lay down on the couch due to my prolonged recovery after surgery.  This has been a good thing for the simple fact that I haven't fallen asleep on the couch while watching tv for over six months.  Waking up at three am freezing to death is not anyone's idea of a good night's sleep.  At least I can brag about one positive surgical outcome, even though I kinda wish the healing process was over.....unfortunately, I have about another six months and another surgery for everything to be completely back to normal :(  If something odd or abnormal is going to happen medically, it will happen to me.  I've always had to learn every lesson the hard way.

I'm revising my goals for this week {maybe I'll get to some of them}.  Shoot for the stars I say, lol.

{Insert sarcastic font}

The rest will have to wait.  I'm working this weekend so I can't really do much besides hang around the house, so I guess I'll utilize my currently in hibernation cooking skills!
