This weekend clean out plan....

I don't want to let the momentum I have to fizzle out so here's my weekend plan for gettin' rid and cleanin' out!  I would so much rather be in Disney World with my other family right now for sure!

  1. My bathroom drawers and under sink cabinets.
  2. The top of my dresser and second drawer of the china hutch (paperwork storage, embarrassing I know)
It doesn't sound like a lot but I'm thinking this will take me longer than everything I did last weekend.

Under the bathroom sink

The drawers

Messy pantry

Much neater under the sink

Wow! A big difference and I have things I've forgotten about!

Better, but as you can see I'm still stocked!!

I also cleaned off my dresser and cleaned up the kitchen bar area where I have a tendency to make nice little stacks.  My new "envelope system" for filing important papers and paid bills is also done. Cupcakes with a whipped icing were made for my Mom's birthday {just a little late}.  I went to work for about an hour and still was motivated to finish my "list".  I love marking out each item.....type A you say?  Why yes that's me, lol. 

Until next weekend.....
