Menu Plan Monday 4/21/14

The dairy free diet continues and I've noticed that I'm benefiting in a some significant ways.  My skin is clearing up and is smoother all around.  I've also noticed that I don't have any stomach bloating and my reflux has pretty much disappeared.  With all of these benefits, I can also say that I seriously miss cheese :( 
However, each day gets easier and I'm surprised at the will power that I have exhibited.  I think in my mind when I started this change, that I wasn't fully committed in that I left the option open, that if it was too hard, I would just eat a little bit.  I've only cheated one time and that was because I failed to plan.  I also paid for it in droves the next day which was impetus enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.
Enough about me already.  Here's our plan for the week and hopefully we will actually eat what we planned this go around.
Be blessed.

Easter Dinner with Family
To Do:  Put the baskets together for the kids, chop peppers and onions, clean out frig and freezer, put chicken stock in the frig,

Black Bean Burgers
Sliced Avocado
Pasta Salad
{Has to be an easy night, I'm working late}
To Do:  Nothing, I won't be home.

Chili Dogs
{Didn't make last week}
Ramen Noodles with Veggies and Chicken
To Do:  Put chicken, and pasta in frig.

{Didn't make last week}
Garlic Bread
To Do:  Put pork chops in the frig.

Grilled Pork Chops
Green Beans or Steamed Broccoli
To Do:  Nothing, I've given up cooking on Fridays


This week is super simple and fairly boring as far as variety and creativity but it will keep me on the path that I have chosen for right now.  

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