I so haven't done one of these in a long time....needless to say I definitely need one!
**UPDATE--Did most everything and if I didn't have to spend the entire day at the doctor tomorrow, I would do what's left and more....I guess there is always next weekend!
Finish shopping x 2 storesBuy lightsand decorate treePut info in QuickenPay monthly billsHave light bulb changed in bathroomPut up clothes and continue to do laundryPack lunches for tomorrowPrep veggies for week- Put lights around front door
Buy plants for porch and mail boxShred pork remove fatMake kids straighten up areas they are responsible forBoy #2 to wash car and do insideCatch up on dvr'd showsand or watch a cheesy Christmas movieGo to bed semi early- Drug store buys
Write menu plan and scheduleEnter in second chance drawingBoil chicken, debone and make chicken pot pie and chicken and dumplings
**UPDATE--Did most everything and if I didn't have to spend the entire day at the doctor tomorrow, I would do what's left and more....I guess there is always next weekend!
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