Okay, my slackerness has turned into an eight day straight fiesta of non cooking for my boys (or myself). I didn't even make a menu plan last week {Gasp} You would think that for some people, this might be a welcome respite but....for me, I've just been hungry! I have eaten so much cereal, fast food, and weird combinations, that I don't even want to look at junk food for at least a year. Okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration :D
On Tuesday last week, I made some potato salad and even pre cooked a chicken so that meal prep would be easier, but then no one was home to eat. One boy was at Mamaw camp, and the other was working until after dinner time. We definitely love leftovers here, so I should have gone ahead and made up some things that hold well as next day items.
Lesson learned.
I know I can tell the difference in how I feel when I'm eating home cooked food as opposed to eating in a restaurant or quick processed items from the freezer.
So....my focus this week is to prepare items that provide us with leftovers for at least one day after the initial meal. My other goal is to make at least two freezer crock pot meals for the future to prevent the suppertime scramble. {fingers crossed}
I hope your summer is off to a beautiful start.
My mantra this week is....
Relax, enjoy your life....you only get one.
Wishing you cupcakes and cookies :o)
No one is home but I want to:
Freeze homemade chicken stock
Chop leftover ham
Shred cheese
Chop green pepper
Chop onion
Pre chop broccoli
To Do: All the above, attend a party, eat dinner with a friend, put roast in frig.
Green Salad
Garlic Bread
To Do: Prepare crock pot with beef.
To Do: Nothing, off tomorrow.
Au Gratin Potatoes
Roasted Brussel Sprouts
To Do: Make chicken parmesan roll ups. I'll post a "Tuesday To Do List"
Steamed Broccoli
To Do: Put ham in the frig
Barbecue Ham Sandwiches
Mashed Potatoes
To Do: Nothing, not working tomorrow
Something on the grill
I'll update later.
I know this menu plan is not a super ambitious edition. However, I know that it is "do-able" for
my busy, busy life!
as always.....
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