What I did today.....

I unexpectedly decided to go on a tear of organizing and straightening today.....
I am SO GLAD that I did!
My house is typically straight, but everybody needs some spring cleaning (albeit in the winter) occasionally.  I'm so trying to get it together before I go back to the crazy days of working.

  1. Colored my hair.
  2. Took Boy #2 to tennis.
  3. Unloaded dishwasher.
  4. Cleaned kitchen.
  5. Cleaned out bathroom drawers, and cabinet holding bathroom tv, washing down with soap and water.
  6. Cleaned out closet, made bag for donation and trash.  Reorganized clothing areas, purged shoes.
  7. Cleaned sills of windows in closet.
  8. Reorganized overflow pantry for stock up sales.
  9. Reorganized wrapping container, taking out any christmas things, those that were torn and or over used.
  10. Read manuals on new appliances..Keurig (Yay!)
  11. Cleaned out main pantry, removed all items, swept floor.
  12. Ran dishwasher.
  13. Cleaned washer and dryer area and drawers beneath, mopped floor. (husband)
  14. Gave some sparkly stuff to my favorite 9 year old.
  15. Petted the neighbors long haired cute little bunny, had a chat.
  16. Laundry at least 3 loads. Including shower curtain.
  17. Picked up my boy from tennis.
  18. Husband took apart faucets from garden tub (they just wouldn't stop leaking!) and he thinks its just a few parts that need to be replaced  YAY!
  19. Priced ice maker motors on line. It makes ice, but did you know I am a crushed ice fanatic/connoisseur?
  20. Picked up Chinese for dinner. (I just couldn't cook today)
  21. Planted an herb garden.
Okay, I still have a list for tomorrow....hope I can keep up the momentum!
  1. Husband to do: change air filters, batteries in smoke detectors, buy salt for pool, take all the trash to road for pickup.
  2. Take donations.
  3. Have boy #1 take recyclables.--conveniently forgot
  4. Clean out linen and coat closets.
  5. Clean out drawers (really just straighten, did this about one week ago)
  6. Supervise boy #2 cleaning out drawers.
  7. Maybe take boy #2 to tennis (its supposed to rain) it's raining.
  8. Take down all Christmas and put away.
  9. Wash comforters, blankets, and pillows. See #10
  10. Complete laundry and put away. no one did any while I was gone, so a work in progress
  11. Redecorate mantel. halfway
  12. Make list for grocery store. almost done
  13. Chiropractor appt.
  14. Hair dresser appt.
  15. Lunch with a friend
You all know that sometimes a plan comes together, and sometimes it doesn't ....I still have a few more days until I have to worry about not succeeding with all my "to do's".  I already have a list for Wednesday also....but I'll save that for later :)
