Monday To Do List

  1. Print statements
  2. Bills.......YUK!!!  at least it's done
  3. Balance Checkbook at least it's done
  4. Make something apple
  5. Take Boy #1 to school
  6. Dinner x 2
  7. Laundry just didnt' get to it, only did one load
  8. Order medicine
  9. File all things "hanging" out
  10. Organize coupons  well they are in one place
  11. Paint nails
  12. Put nail polish in a bag to take to Helen
  13. Call Angie, Mom, Chris, Whit, Dad
  14. Work on resume/ apply for per diem
  15. Email Deb
  16. Change MD appt didn't change I'm the first appt :)
  17. Make something apple oops wrote it twice
  18. Make pizza crust for freezer---I didn't want to
  19. Get d/w detergent
