To Do List 1/2/11 List

The weekend is almost over and I have a few more things to accomplish prior to returning to work tomorrow.  I'm making "the list", so I can mark things off :o)

  1. Balance the checkbook. Oh my goodness..3 hrs later!
  2. Finalize the financial plan for the next 3 months.
  3. Pack lunches.
  4. Finish up on laundry.
  5. Iron uniforms--Did NOT have time!
  6. Verify with boys about homework, appts, needs, etc.
  7. Clean out car.
  8. Make dinner.
  9. Take out tomorrow's dinner, make sauce.
  10. Cook chicken.
  11. Make cookies for late gift (frozen homemade).
  12. Call my Seester.
  13. CVS run.
That's all I can think of now....I better get started if I want to finish today!  Will update results later!

UPDATE:  Almost completely finished.  From the list I forgot to add a few things.  I did get them done also, even though it was mainly on the computer "stuff" eg: order a few home items, print coupons, organize coupons etc, etc.
