I'm thinking if there is not so much pressure, I 'll get more done if I start my Tuesday To Do Lists on the weekend. So as usual, I'll shoot right in:
- Put up back splash in kitchen.
- Have a look at the brakes on my car.
Shop for bargains at a great community sale!Take Boy #1 to the thrift store (his idea)Shop for the week ahead.Paint my nailsDONE- Repaint my toes.
LaundryShop for wearable socks.--looked but didn't findTan (head hung low as I completely know better, but I'm going to Jamaiica and I need some color)LOTION, LOTION, LOTION--Imustmake this a habit, dry elephant skin is not attractive!Write a menu plan for the week.Invite neighborhood over for lunch/dinner-nixed by husband until remodel done
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