Tuesday TO DO LIST


  1. Make marinara sauce.
  2. Make slab apple pie.
  3. Take out pizza dough.
  4. Take Boy #2 to school.
  5. Pay bills and balance check books, various copies etc.
  6. Laundry.
  7. Pack Lunches.
  8. Get Fall decorations up.
  9. Pick up phones.
  10. Pick up kids.
  11. Tidy house.
  12. Make apple cake.--Saving for weekend
  13. Call Angie, text Karen.
  14. Make eggplant parm? with this recipe.--saving for weekend
This is my day.....I'll update later for my cross offs!
Hope your day is blessed!

UPDATE:  I know its late for updating, but I did a few more things this week and feel pretty accomplished.  Went to the eye doctor, looked at recipes for next week, and made a hair appointment!  I think I'm going to make my list on the weekends for the week and add on as the week goes!


  1. Your days sound like mine! I should make list that way I get them all done I always forget something! :)

  2. This was a great great dish --yall need to make it --loved it my friend!!!!

  3. I love, love, love, my listmaking! It makes
    things happen.....and even if they don't, i still will remember that I need to do them! LOL


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