Original Art

(crooked photo not crooked picture)

I am not a nurse......I am an artist.  I have vision, talent, and color coordination skills.  

I am also full of baloney and plain cheap thrifty.  When we painted the family room and kitchen, we put lots of sample paints on the wall to see if we liked the colors.  As a result we had leftover colors that we didn't want on the wall but...........I thought to myself, they sure would make a nice painting for over the fireplace.  I also thought that hmmm...I'll recruit all the kids in the neighborhood and have them all help me with a fun art project.

So, that's exactly what I did!

It turned out fantastic! 

I even told my husband, "I think I might just start a little artist community right here in our neighborhood with me being the chief artist."  He told me, "I think you should know that being an artist isn't supervising."

Darn.  Guess I'll stick with my day job.

This post is linked to weekend wander at whilehewasnapping.blogspot.com
