
Okay, funny true story.  I am petrified, well better stated, have an irrational fear of snakes.  I think it stems from a grade school incident but enough said about that.  

As I am tending my garden the other day, turning the soil so that its not packed so tightly and ridding it of weeds, I see a worm.  Upon closer inspection, while I'm patting myself on the back for having great soil with lots of worms, I notice that no.....IT IS NOT A WORM!  That there varmit is a baby snake.  I did not freak out and go postal on the tiny thing, mainly because I didn't have my hoe right there.  I did however develop the sweatiest palms ever and now have lost some of my sheer excitement at growing things from small plants and seeds.

Now despite my irrational fear, my little plants continue to grow and I have to find a way to just get over it.  I'm going to try mothballs first....I'll update you, or you'll read about me in the obituaries because I have accidentally caused myself permanent, irreversible damage by running full speed into a fence.  Or, I may have had a snake inspired heart attack.

Go ahead, you can say it, yes I know it........I'm a Snake hater aka Fraidy Cat, Chicken butt.
