All planted!

Even though the pictures don't seem to show this.....we put in a lot of hard work yesterday in our garden and yard.  Our winter has been way colder than usual and our yard shows the effects.  Along with the fact that the wind has been blowing like crazy and we have oak trees with lots and lots of tiny leaves, we have one hot mess!  Oh yeah, we have to "throw some sod"  for our front yard after a septic repair, so everytime I walk outside, I feel overwhelmed with the things that need to be done.  One step at a time is my working mantra.


Thai Hot Pepper/ Green Pepper

That bed was completely free from leaves late yesterday!!  We are expecting rain today (hopefully not a deluge) so the dirt is still a little dry, didn't want to overwater.  I have another bed, but I planted seeds, so nothing to show just yet. 
