Puffing of the Chest

My Boy #1, probably wishes that he had achieved this goal as an elementary or middle school student, but..he was chosen as a junior in high school to present his science project at the county competition.  He was on a team with a long time friend and even with the prestige it would have brought them as a younger student, the two days excused absences were cause for MUCH celebration!

Boy #2 participated in a band competition with three others from school and was very happy to obtain a Superior Ranking.  I'm not very well versed in "band speak", but I have been told that this is an honor and that their practice paid off!

To record these events for posterity here are some pictures of Boy #1's project, and Boy #2's saxophone (coming later as he left his instrument in his locker)..... I am a proud Mom!

OOH Scary!

They didn't go back for the awards ceremony because they assumed that they didn't win but......these two got 4th place overall in their category.  WOOHOO!!  Good job guys.
