Best Laid Plans

All of my bright ideas of staying in my robe until 9am, drinking coffee, and watching Good Morning America did not come to fruition today.  I woke up, put on my robe, and then........made breakfast for my kids.  At least I had my coffee.  I then decided that what the heck, I might as well take a shower and get dressed, because I would probably be warmer dressed, than in my robe.  Then, I figured what the heck, I might as well drive my son to school and as long as I was out, I should run by the grocery store.  As I was driving, the "low gas" light came on so, what the heck, I'll stop by the gas station.  All this happened before 10am. 

As a side note, I did make bread and oatmeal raisin cookies from my list last week.  Food Comfort? Waaaaa, I need a hug.
