Me Doctor, You Nurse

Is it the physician species or male species that don't have their "hearing" ears on?  "No, I don't have that patient and we do not have a secretary please leave the chart at the other desk so that the appropriate nurse receives the orders."  Physician X states "There is no one there." I said "she will be back in a minute, she is probably helping a patient in their room.  Leave the chart on the desk by her computer and she will process your orders."  Either he needs hearing aids or he chooses to believe that I should handle his details.  I believe it is the latter.  Unfortunately, nurses have fostered this idea of subservient behavior in order to expedite care for the patient. There is the rub...if we want to make sure that the patient receives appropriate care we sure better find the above mentioned chart that physician x has placed on the bathroom counter down the hallway and place it on the secretary's desk.
