Doctor Doctor

Okay, so on my to do list this week was to see my physician whom I have to visit approximately every 6 months for a chronic condition which is a pain in the rear.  I had been dreading going to this appointment because due to the warmer months my condition has been stable.  As a result of the warmer weather, I have pretended that I have no problem and don't need to continue most of my preventive "maintenance".  Well, I could have told him half-truths and skirted issues but I decided to give a 99.9% version of the truth and then I actually ended up telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth version and you know... I felt liberated.  To my surprise he wasn't even upset with me and just made me promise to take better care of myself.  Of course, I will now, because I'm pretty sure that strategy will not work the next time. As a card carrying most of the time follow the rules girl...I will do what I am supposed to..I guess, maybe, sort of, Could you define that exactly?  ;)
