Menu Plan Monday Week of 9/28/2009

We have already had a few glitches in our menu as we went to an unexpected football neighborhood party on Sunday and ate and ate and ate....

Sunday--Spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread.
Monday--Barbeque Chicken Pitas with grits (Kid planned and prepared)
Tuesday--Repeat of Sunday with some frozen veggies.
Wednesday--Grilled pork chops, asparagus, and rice.
Thursday--Grilled hamburgers, sliced lettuce and tomatoes.
Friday--Peanutty Chicken with whole wheat pasta
Saturday--Shepherd's Pie

I will post recipe of Peanutty Chicken with whole wheat pasta later in week.

I find lots and lots of new recipes and ideas at Meal Plan Monday, hosted by


  1. Your menu plan sounds delicious.
    We're so tired of eating chicken so I was looking forward to MPM today. There's lots of inspiration from the participants.
    I'm also looking for ways to save since my husband is underemployed and I'm unemployed.
    I'm watching Army Wives Sunday episode online. Do you watch the show?


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