Menu Plan Monday 1/20/13

I'm trying something new this week, in that I'm going to shop on Monday, Tuesday, or maybe even Wednesday evening after work. I just have to get creative....especially if I wait until Wednesday :)  Soccer games are over and as you can see in the picture, I spent my weekend doing fun stuff at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom and Epcot parks.  So there was absolutely NO time for grocery buying.  Park passes are great!
The weather here has been a little chilly so things that require the oven serve a dual purpose.  I can almost heat the house if I cook a 30 minute casserole, lol.
Have a great blessed week, and if you need more inspiration, head over to for lots of other meal plans.


UPDATE--I made these instead!
Cole Slaw
Green Beans
To Do:  Make casserole for tomorrow, laundry, clean room, file bills.

Loaded Baked Potato Chicken Casserole
(I didn't make it will try another time?)
Steamed Broccoli
To Do: Put sausage in frig

Green Peas
Crescent Rolls
To Do:  Put pork chops in the frig (hopefully the grill will be here by tomorrow)

Grilled Pork Chops
Green Veggie
To Do:  Plan the rest of the week since I've now shopped for food.



I hope this works out for us...we are SO enjoying eating at home's really hard getting back in to the planning and executing phase.   
and as always.....
happy Monday :o)
